Google Sheets

Studio Pro activities > Spreadsheets > Google Sheets. Includes "Get values", "Update values" and "Append values".


Get valuesUpdate values
Reads a content of a Google Sheets table in a specified rangeChanges a content of cells within the specified range
Append values
Adds values to the first completely empty line in a table

Get values


Reads a content of a Google Sheets table in the specified range. To make the function work, you need to provide the platform access to the Google Services through Bot Runner or Studio Pro.

In Bot Runner

Right click on the 'ElectroNeek Bot Runner' in the bottom right tray → "Settings" → "Services".

In Studio Pro

Navigate to "Settings" → "Services Connection".


Spreadsheet Id

  1. Set a value: enables you to directly write the id.
  2. Save the previous step result: chooses the previous activity result as the id.
  3. Calculate a value: enables you to use available properties and methods to form the id.

To get the spreadsheet id open manually the document. The text between '/d/' and '/edit' is the spreadsheet id.


  1. Set a value: enables you to directly set the desired range, for example, A1:B3 or 'Sheet3'!A1:C5.
  2. Save the previous step result: chooses the previous activity result as the range.
  3. Calculate a value: enables you to use available properties and methods to form the range.


Contains an annotation to the activity. The input text will be displayed above the activity name.


To store the result in a variable, a user needs to add the 'Assign value to variable' activity after the 'Get Values' activity, specify the variable name and choose the 'Save the previous step result' activity.

The result is an array of rows. Each row represents an array of the cells values.



 "Value A1",

 "Value B1",

 "Value C1"



 "Value A2",

 "Value B2",

 "Value C2"



For example, this record will represent the following table from the Google Sheets

Value A1Value B1Value C1
Value A2Value B2Value C2

Usage Examples

This activity should be used to read a content of an online-table for further data manipulation.


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Update values


Changes a content of cells within the specified range. To make the function work, you need to provide the platform access to the Google Services through Bot Runner or Studio Pro.

In Bot Runner

Right click on the 'ElectroNeek Bot Runner' in the bottom right tray → "Settings" → "Services".

In Studio Pro

Navigate to "Settings" → "Services Connection".


Spreadsheet Id

  1. Set a value: enables you to directly write the id.
  2. Save the previous step result: chooses the previous activity result as the id.
  3. Calculate a value: enables you to use available properties and methods to form the id.

To get the spreadsheet id open manually the document. The text between '/d/' and '/edit' is the spreadsheet id.


  1. Set a value: enables you to directly set the desired range, for example, A1:B3 or 'Sheet3'!A1:C5.
  2. Save the previous step result: chooses the previous activity result as the range.
  3. Calculate a value: enables you to use available properties and methods to form the range.


  1. Save the previous step result: chooses the previous activity result as the data.
  2. Calculate a value: enables you to use available properties and methods to form the data to be written, for example, [["New Value 1", "New Value 2", "New Value 3"]].

Parse values - this checkbox enabled allows you to write formulas, as well as custom date formats, time, and other similar values into your document.


Contains an annotation to the activity. The input text will be displayed above the activity name.

Usage Examples

This activity will be useful when you need to change some specific cells values without modifying the whole data array.


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Append values


Adds values to the first completely empty line in a table. To make the function work, you need to provide the platform access to the Google Services through Bot Runner or Studio Pro.

In Bot Runner

Right click on the 'ElectroNeek Bot Runner' in the bottom right tray → "Settings" → "Services".

In Studio Pro

Navigate to "Settings" → "Services Connection".


Spreadsheet Id

  1. Set a value: enables you to directly write the id.
  2. Save the previous step result: chooses the previous activity result as the id.
  3. Calculate a value: enables you to use available properties and methods to form the id.

To get the spreadsheet id open manually the document. The text between '/d/' and '/edit' is the spreadsheet id.


  1. Save the previous step result: chooses the previous activity result as the data.
  2. Calculate a value: enables you to use available properties and methods to form the data to be written, for example, [["New Value 1", "New Value 2", "New Value 3"]].

Parse values - this checkbox enabled allows you to write formulas, as well as custom date formats, time, and other similar values into your document.


  1. Set a value: allows you to explicitly specify the name of the sheet to which you want to append values.
  2. Save the previous step result: takes the result of the activity from the previous step of the algorithm as the name of the sheet.
  3. Calculate a value: allows you to use a special formula or a special method to specify the name of the sheet.


Contains an annotation to the activity. The input text will be displayed above the activity name.

Usage Examples

This activity will be comfortable to use when a table doesn't contain completely empty lines. In this case using the function will add a new line to the end of the table.


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