Cheat Sheet

Definitions of all Studio Pro activities.

Easley AI

Ask AIInteract with OpenAI Artificial Intelligence, ask questions and retrieve answers in seconds
Edit TextManipulate text in your workflows easily with the assistance of OpenAI Artificial Intelligence



If... thenApply business logic and define conditions to perform actions
Do-while loopBuild repetitive operations using the while loop programming concept
Assign value to variableCreate and modify variables
DelayDefine a timeout to execute the next step of the workflow
SubprogramTrigger another workflow from the current one
LogSave written data from the workflow in a text file
Console logPrint a message to the Studio Pro console
Open ApplicationSelect a desktop application to be opened by the workflow
TODOAdd an informative text block to your workflow

Human in the loop

Input dialogAllow users to add text to a variable via dialog window or to add a preset message
User notificationSet up a pop-up window with a custom message
Select file or folderAsk users for a path to access a file or folder

Block Input

Block InputDisable a specific input from mouse or keyboard
Unblock InputCancel the effect of "Block Input"

GUI Automation


Click on elementChoose a desktop element to click on it
Click on coordinateClick on a specific point in the screen
Read checkbox stateGet the value from a specific checkbox
Set checkbox stateSet the state of a specific checkbox
Select list itemChoose an item from a drop-down list


Input to desktop appType a text into a desktop app
Send hotkeySimulate pressing a hotkey or a key combination


Get element propertySelect an item to extract its value
Get element valueChoose an element to obtain its value
Get positionChoose an element to obtain its size and coordinates
Set element valueChange the value of a given element
Element found?Check if a specific element exists — and trigger an action if it does
Wait for elementExecute an action if an element appears after a given amount of time
Wait for vanishingExecute an action if an element disappears after a given amount of time

App window

Maximize elementSet an application window to its maximum size
Minimize elementMinimize all application windows
Activate elementBring a specific element to the foreground
Close windowClose a specific application

Machine Vision

Click on imageFind an image on the screen and click on it
Find imageFind an image on the screen and get its coordinate
Take a screenshotCapture the image of the entire screen
Wait for imageDefine a time limit to wait for a specific image to appear on the screen

OS Automation

Files & Folders

Append to fileInsert text to a specific file
Read text fileAdd block to read a text file
Copy fileCopy a file from a directory
Create fileCreate a new file in a specific directory
Delete fileSelect a specific file to be deleted
File found?Set the bot to perform an action in case a specific file exists
File informationExtract information from a file
Move fileMove a file to a specific directory
Overwrite fileDelete content from a file and write a new text to it
List directory filesExtract names of all files from a directory and stores them in an array
Create directoryCreate a folder in a specific directory
Zip filesCompress a file or folder and add it to an archive
Unzip filesExtract files from a compacted archive
File triggerMonitor a folder to execute an action in case a specific file appears
List FTP directoryRetrieve the content of an FTP directory
Download File/Folder from FTPDownload files or folders from an FTP server
Upload File/Folder tp FTPUpload files or folders to an FTP server
Delete FTP File/FolderRemove files or folders from an FTP server


Get passwordImport password from one of your accounts in Studio Pro Settings and use them to log in to a web service (e.g. Gmail)
Get usernameImport credentials from one of your accounts in Studio Pro Settings and use them to log in to a web service (e.g. Gmail)


Read clipboardSave the content from clipboard to a file
Clear clipboardErase all content from clipboard
Copy to clipboardCopy values to clipboard


Command PromptExecute a process using the terminal in the background
Process found?Execute an action in case a specific process is running — and another action in case it is not
Kill ProcessStop a specific process
Shutdown computerLog off, restart, or turn off the computer

MS Office

MS Word

Read Word fileReads the content of a Word file
Write Word fileOverwrites the content of a Word document
Append to Word fileAppends data to a Word document
Replace words in templateReplace words in a Word file with the desired values

MS Excel

Read Excel FileRead the contents of an Excel table
Write Excel FileWrite specified values to a specified range in an Excel file
Append row to Excel fileAdd a row to the end of an Excel sheet
Insert/Delete RowsInsert or delete a row in an existing Excel document
Read Excel Range‌Get the value of the range from the Excel file
Write Excel RangeWrite specified values to a specified range in an Excel file
Read Excel RowGet a particular row value from the Excel file
Update Excel RowUpdates particular row values in the Excel file
Read Excel CellReads the value of a specified cell in an Excel document
Update Excel CellUpdates the content of specified cells in an Excel document
Execute macroExecute a .vbs macro in the selected Excel file
Insert/Delete ColumnsInsert or delete a column in an existing Excel document
Read columnRead data from a selected column in an Excel document and save it to a variable
Append columnInsert a column at the end of the selected Excel document
Update columnOverwrite data in a certain column of an Excel document
Sort rangeSort the range of data in the Excel file by column
Duplicate SheetCreate an exact copy of a worksheet in Excel
Remove SheetDelete a worksheet from the Excel workbook
Clear RangeRemove the contents from a specified range of cells
Rename SheetChange the name of a worksheet in Excel
Copy/Paste RangeDuplicate and transfer data between ranges in Excel
Format CellsAdjust the appearance and formatting of selected cells
Get Cell FormulaRetrieve the formula used in a specific cell
Locate CellFind the position of a particular cell within a worksheet
Remove Duplicate RowsDelete duplicate rows from a dataset in Excel
Autofill FormulaAutomatically extend a formula across a range of cells
Format Data Type CellsSet the data format for selected cells in Excel

MS Outlook

Read emailsRead emails received in the Outlook mail service
Send emailSend an email using the Outlook mail service

Office 365

Read emailsRead emails stored in your Microsoft account
Send emailSends an email using a Microsoft account

Web Automation

Web Browser

Open URLOpen a new web browser window
Close browserClose the browser opened
Find IFrameHTML element that is able to load another HTML element
Execute JavaScriptExecute separately written JavaScript code
Scrape structured dataExtract data according to a given structure


Click on elementSimulates clicking a specific browser element
Hover over elementHovers the mouse cursor over the specified element
Drag and drop elementSimulates drag and drop of a web page element
Select list itemSelect a specific item in a dropdown list


Input to browserInput some text into browser elements
Send hotkeySimulate pressing a hotkey or a key combination


Get element propertyReads attributes of a specified element
Set element propertySets a certain property of the specified element
Get element valueReads the value attribute or the text between tags
Set element valueSets the 'value' attribute of the specified element
Element found?Checks whether the element exists
Wait for elementWait until the element is loaded
Wait for vanishingWaits for web element to disappear for specified amount of time

Citrix & RDP

Surface Automation

Click on imageFind an image on the screen and click on it
Find imageFind an image on the screen and get its coordinate
Take a screenshotCapture the image of the entire screen
Wait for imageDefine a time limit to wait for a specific image to appear on the screen

These activities have the same functionality as the Machine Vision activities in the "GUI Automation" section.


Input from keyboardInput text to a specified field or terminal area
Read text from areaReads the content of a specified terminal area
Wait for textWaits for a text in a specified terminal area


Execute JS codeRun JavaScript code in Studio Pro
Execute PythonRun Python code in Studio Pro


Text found?Searches through a text and check if it contains a string
Extract textExtract portions of text placed between the specified words

Dates and Time

Get current dateGet the current date according to the system time
Calculate dateCalculates a date and time using given date and a delta
Calculate differenceCalculates the difference between two dates
Export to formatConvert date and time into a specific format
Time triggerExecute further steps of the workflow when a certain time arrives


HTTP requestSends an HTTP request with the specified parameters
Get OAuth tokenPerforms an OAuth 2.0 authorization


Connect to databaseEstablish the connection to DBMS
Execute queryExecutes a database query



Read emailsRead emails received in the Outlook mail service
Send emailSend an email using the Outlook mail service

These activities have the same functionality as the MS Outlook activities in the "MS Office" section.

Office 365

Read emailsRead emails stored in your Microsoft account
Send emailSends an email using a Microsoft account

These activities have the same functionality as the Office 365 activities in the "MS Office" section.


Read emailsRead emails from a specified date
Send emailSends a message via an email
Email triggerTrigger other activities when an email appears
For each emailWork with one email at a time



Read tableRead the contents of a specified table
For each rowApply a set of actions to each row in the specified table
Remove empty rowsRemoves all empty rows from a table
Save tableSave the table in Excel, Google Sheets or CSV format

Google Sheets

Get valuesReads a content of a Google Sheets table in a specified range
Update valuesChanges a content of cells within the specified range
Append valuesAdds values to the first completely empty line in a table

Document Processing


Extract Document DataApply Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) in your workflow with just a few clicks

OCR Engines

Microsoft Cloud OCRRecognizes an image text using Microsoft OCR technology
Google Cloud OCRRecognizes an image text using Google OCR technology
ABBYY Cloud OCRRecognizes an image text using the ABBYY Cloud OCR technology
Recognition templateSpecify a document that will be used as the recognition template

Data Extraction

Klippa OCRRecognize text using the Klippa OCR service
Nanonets OCRRecognize the text using the Nanonets OCR service
Microsoft Form Recognizer OCRRecognize text using the Microsoft Form Recognizer service
Amazon Textract OCRRecognize text from image using the Amazon Textract OCR service
CaptureFast OCRRecognize text from image using the CaptureFast OCR service


Read textExtract the text layer from a PDF file
Convert to imageConvert a PDF file to an image
Extract Page RangeExtract selected pages from the PDF file to a new PDF file
Get PDF page countCount the number of pages in a PDF file
Combine to PDFCombine multiple files into a single multi-page PDF


Google Drive

Download fileDownload a file from your Google Drive
Upload fileUpload a file from your computer to your Google Drive
Create directoryCreate a new folder in your Google Drive