App window

Studio Pro activities > GUI Automation > App window. Includes "Maximize element", "Minimize element", "Activate element" and "Close window".


Maximize elementMinimize element
Set an application window to its maximum sizeMinimize all application windows
Activate elementClose window
Bring a specific element to the foregroundClose a specific application

Maximize element


Maximizes an element.


Interface element

Select an element from a list or create a new one.

Usage Examples

This activity is used to maximize an application window.


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Minimize element


Minimizes an element.


Interface element

Select an element from a list or create new one.

Minimize all windows

Minimizes all opened windows.

Usage Examples

Use this activity to make the desktop visible. I.e. if you need to click on desktop icon.


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Activate element


Brings an element to foreground.


Interface element

Select an element from a list or create new one.

Usage Examples

This activity could be a fail-save option to work with application that can be minimized by user before workflow execution.


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Close window


This activity closes the selected window.


Interface element

This option allows you to pick an existing element from the list or set a new one.

To specify the window to close, you can select either the window itself (parent element) or any of its child elements (e. g. tabs).

Here are the elements to pick in Notepad:

Edit element option lets you replace the element or change its properties.

Edit element option lets you replace the element or change its properties.

Wait before, sec

This option allows you to set the delay before the execution of the activity. The delay is set in seconds.

Wait after, sec

This option allows you to set the delay after the execution of the activity. The delay is set in seconds.


This parameter allows you to create an annotation to the activity. The input text will be displayed above the activity name.

How to use it?

Place this activity in the workflow after the last required interaction with the window to close it.

It is always a good practice to create a workflow in a way that brings the desktop back to the state that it was before the execution.

As follows, using the “Close window” activity you can close all the windows after the workflow was executed.


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