
9.4 Release: Automation Hub and Service Hub changes

Release 9.4 brings a range of exciting enhancements that empower users and streamline automation workflows. Experience the new Code Generator for efficient problem-solving, leverage the new Excel activities for seamless data management and optimize document management with the new Document Testing feature. Let's the wide range of updates in this release.

Automation Hub

Studio Pro

What’s new?

  • Excel Activities: We have added several Excel activities to enhance the user experience when working with Excel files in RPA workflows and simplify the development of commonly used bots. These activities enable smoother integration and manipulation of Excel data.
  • Code Generator: Studio Pro now includes the Code Generator feature, enabling users to quickly develop bots for complex use cases. With this feature, users can ask GPT code-related questions and receive code feedback in seconds, making bot-building easier and more efficient.

What’s fixed?

  1. Fixed an issue where publishing a workflow to Orchestrator SaaS with a space in the "Notes" field caused the while loop to break.
  2. Fixed an issue where the API 'Get launches of a Bot Runner' resulted in a 504 Gateway Time-out error.
  3. Fixed an issue where Bot Runner lost tokens due to internet connectivity problems.
  4. Fixed an issue where AntiCaptcha did not function properly when organization credits were set.
  5. Fixed an issue where the 'Execute Macro' activity malfunctioned when the user path contained spaces.
  6. Fixed an issue where the 'Drag and drop element' activity did not work within the context of an IFrame.


What’s new?

  • Monthly/Yearly Limits: IntelliDocs now allows organizations to purchase monthly or yearly limits, allowing for flexible monetization options. This feature enables users to set and modify page balances, monthly limits, and yearly limits independently, providing enhanced control over document usage.

  • Testing Document Page: Users can now test IntelliDocs document reading capabilities without building any code or automation. This feature simplifies the testing process and facilitates efficient document management.

What’s fixed?

  1. Fixed an issue where the 'Extract Document Data' activity would provide incorrect results when the model type 'semantic/invoice' was specified.

Bot Library (formerly Recipes):

What’s new?

  • Renaming: We have rebranded "Recipes" to "Bot Library" to better represent the purpose of the feature. The Bot Library offers a repository of pre-built automation bots you can easily download and start using right away.
  • Request Development Support: Within the Bot Library, users can now request development support for each bot, leveraging expert assistance to customize the bots as needed. The Bot Library also includes subsections for easier navigation, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Orchestrator SaaS

What’s new?

  • Bot Version Management: You can now download and switch bot versions in Orchestrator without the need to re-upload them from Studio Pro. This enhancement provides greater flexibility and ease when managing code versions within Orchestrator.

What’s fixed?

  1. Fixed an issue where publishing a workflow to Orchestrator SaaS with a hidden space in the "Notes" field caused an error.

Service Hub

Support Center

What’s new?

  • User Interface Improvements: We have made small changes to the Support Center user interface to provide better guidance when users encounter issues or need to report problems. These enhancements ensure a more seamless support experience.

These enhancements in ElectroNeek 9.4, organized under the Automation Hub and Service Hub sections, empower users, simplify workflows, and enhance the overall user experience. We remain dedicated to delivering cutting-edge automation solutions and supporting our valued users on their automation journey.