5.2 Release: UX improvements (Highlight used interface elements, Highlight unfilled parameters when publishing or exporting), new Orchestrator statuses
over 1 year ago by ElectroNeek
In this update we have added new features that improve UX, added more intuitive workflow statuses in Orchestrator as well as fixed a lot of issues. Read the full changelog here!
Main Changes
- New feature (Studio Pro) - Highlight interface elements that are currently unused in activities
Improvement (Studio Pro) - Highlight unfilled parameters when publishing to Orchestrator or exporting to .neex - Improvement (Orchestrator) - Added awaiting status when all the Bot Runners are offline
Complete Changelog
Studio Pro
- Highlight interface elements that are currently unused in activities. Unused elements that are not added to any of the activities will be displayed as inactive. This indicates that such elements can be safely deleted or, for example, modified. There is also a tooltip that shows the number of blocks in which the element is used (for active elements).
- Highlight unfilled parameters when publishing to Orchestrator or exporting to .neex. Now in case there are unset parameters in a workflow, the corresponding activities will be highlighted when trying to publish it to Orchestrator or export it to .neex format.
- Added links to antiviruses exclusion list guides in Loader window. In case of error when checking the connection while launching the program, a message stating that the program could be blocked by an antivirus is shown. Now this message is extended with links to guides explaining how to add programs to the exclusion list of popular antiviruses.
- Detailed error messages in Loader window. Added more detailed error messages in Loader window in case there was a trouble when establishing connection.
- Display execution time in console in all cases. With this change bot execution time will also be shown in case the user stopped the execution manually or in case an error occured.
- More intuitive message for Cannot read property 'attributes' error in interface-related activities. Sometimes it could happen that a workflow containing interface elements was developed and it was either moved to another location separately from the .elm files or the .elm files were deleted. Now a more intuitive and clear message will be displayed in such cases.
- Support for relative paths in Calculate value option. Now it is possible to set relative paths to files when choosing Calculate value option when setting parameters of activities that handle files. It also works when using Save the previous step result option.
Bot Runner
- Display an error when trying to launch a bot while another one is still being executed. Now when attempting to launch a bot using Bot Runner while another bot is already being executed, an error message showing that Bot Runner is already in use will be displayed. The ‘Run bot’ button will also be unavailable in this case.
- Added antiviruses exclusion list guides in Loader window. In case of error when checking the connection while launching the program, a message stating that the program could be blocked by an antivirus is shown. Now this message is extended with links to guides explaining how to add programs to the exclusion list of popular antiviruses.
- Added awaiting status when all the Bot Runners are offline. If all the Bot Runners assigned to a workflow are offline, a more intuitive status 'No available Bot Runners' will be displayed instead of ‘Ready’.
- Added tooltips for Bot Runner statuses. Bot Runner statuses now have tooltips describing their current state in more detail.
Bug Fixes
Studio Pro
- Fixed a problem with positioning of ‘Assign value to variable’ activity in the canvas.
- Fixed an issue when Browser Picker could not recognize some specific elements in Google Chrome.
- Fixed an issue when an workflow could not be finished properly when executing ‘Set element value’ activity.
- ‘User notification’ and 'Input dialog' activities: fixed an issue when a letter in some long words next to a line break could be replaced with two dots (..).
- Fixed an issue with missing authorization settings when opening a .neex file containing a deactivated Office 365 group activity.
- Fixed an issue when the next activity could not be started when using the 'Close window' feature in a selector.
- Fixed an issue when Studio Pro update does not start automatically after checking for updates.
- Fixed an issue when edits in the parameters fields were not saved without removing the focus from the edited block.
- Fixed an issue when copying activities blocks containing interface elements: now a new element will be created upon copying such blocks instead of duplicating the old one.
- Fixed an issue when a workflow is not marked as changed after removing an activity block from it.
- Fixed an issue when using ‘Command Prompt’ activity: in some cases a correct result could be displayed as an error.
- Fixed a problem when the ‘Close’ button in Studio Pro could disappear while running a bot.
- ‘Click on element’, ‘Get element value’, ‘Get element property’ and ‘Get position’ activities: fixed an error when these activities could not work without a specific selector when the ‘Use focused element’ option is checked.
- Fixed an error when a long error message could appear in the console after selecting 'Open application' activity block.
- The ‘Zip files’ activity: fixed an issue when an error message would not appear in the console output in case of incorrect parameters setup.
- Fixed an error in ‘Send hotkey’ activity which made it impossible to use Latin hotkeys or keys combinations.
- Fixe an error which did not let users to input digits using ‘Input to browser’ activity.
- Fixed missing titles in some popup windows.
- Fixed an error when it was impossible to pick some unique elements when using Browser Picker with Internet Explorer.
- Fixed another issue when copying blocks that contain interface elements from one workflow to another. Now the new element (which is created upon pasting such activity block) will be deleted properly in case Undo feature (Ctrl + Z) was used.
- Various UI fixes and corrections.
Bot Runner
- Fixed an error when the webhook_data variable could be displayed as undefined.
- UI and text corrections.
- Fixed an issue when workflows statuses were not updated in real time.
- Fixed an issue when launch schedule could be displayed for inactive workflows.
- Solved a problem when it was impossible to create a Team using an email address containing '+' symbol.
- Solved an issue that led to display of different execution statuses for the same workflow launched from Orchestrator.
- Fixed an issue when Bot Runner did not indicate that a workflow is launched when running it using Orchestrator.
- Various UI fixes and corrections.